Titus MP3s
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To listen to any of the Bible classes below, left click on the file name. In a few minutes the file will begin to play on your computer. If you'd like to download the file and save it on your computer or MP3 player, right click on the file name and click Save Target As ... Then select a folder/directory on your system where you would like the file saved and click Save.

The Book of Titus

    Titus 1:1-6 - Titus the Trouble Shooter - 6/20/1989

    Titus 1:6-8 - Qualifications of a Pastor - 6/22/1989

    Titus 1:9-12 - Shut Your Mouth - 6/25/1989

    Titus 1:16-2:2 - Senior Citizen's Platform - 6/28/1989

    Titus 2:2-8 - Health in Old Age - 6/29/1989

    Titus 2:12-3:1 - Put Them in Mind - 7/4/1989

    Titus 2:14 - Zealous for Good Works - 10/8/1989

    Titus 3:2-4 - Panorama of Salvation - 7/5/1989

    Titus 3:4-9 - Three Stages - 7/6/1989

    Titus 3:10-end - Avoid Heretics - 7/9/1989


A special thanks to Don F. for converting these tapes to MP3 files!

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