
Galatians-01 Intro., Doc of Apostleship; Gal. 1:1;    5-10-98
Galatians-02 Substitutionary Atonement; Gal. 1:1-5;    5-17-98
Galatians-03 Getting the Gospel Correct; Gal. 1:6;    5-24-98
Galatians-04 Faith Alone, The Barrier; Gal. 1:6-10; 5-31-98
Galatians-05 Apostleship, Authority Orientation; Gal. 1:11-12;    6-7-98
Galatians-06 Paul's Life Before Conversion; Gal. 1:13-14;    6-14-98
Galatians-07 Paul's Conversion; Gal. 1:15;    6-21-98
Galatians-08 Doctrine of the Divine Call; Gal. 1:15;    6-28-98
Galatians-09 Paul, Subsequent to Salvation; Gal. 1:16-24;    7-5-98
Galatians-10 Grace Excludes All Works; Gal. 2:1-10;    7-12-98
Galatians-11 Paul Confronts Peter with Grace; Gal. 2:11-15;    7-19-98
Galatians-12   Change of Dispensations; Gal. 2:14;    7-26-98
Galatians-13 Covenants and Dispensations; Gal. 2:14;    8-2-98
Galatians-14   Justification and Divine Integrity; Gal. 2:15;    8-9-98
Galatians-15 The Integrity Of God; Gal. 2:15;    8-16-98
Galatians-16 Imputations: Key to Justification; Gal. 2:15;     8-23-98
Galatians-17 The Importance of Imputations; Gal. 2:16; Gen. 2:17;    8-30-98
Galatians-18 The Penalty for Sin; Imputation of Soul Life; Gal. 2:16; Gen. 2:17;    9-6-98
Galatians-19 Imputation of Adam's Original Sin; Gal. 2:16; Rom. 5:12;    9-13-98
Galatians-20 Judicial Imputations and Salvation; Gal. 2:16; Rom. 5:12-21;    9 -20-98
Galatians-21 Grace Excludes All Human Merit; Gal. 2:16;    9-27-98
Galatians-22 Justification Provides New Life in Christ; Gal. 2:17-21;    10-4-98
Galatians-23 Is Your Sp. Life Empowered by Morality or the Holy Spirit?; Gal. 3:1-5;    10-11-98
Galatians-24 Abraham's Faith; Justification; Gal. 3:6; Gen. 15:7;    10-18-98
Galatians-25 Abraham's Example Excludes Human Works; Gal. 3:7-10;    10-25-98
Galatians-26 Doc. of Redemption; Redemption and Forgiveness; Gal. 3:10-14;    11-1-98
Galatians-27 Why the Abrahamic Covenant is Superior to the Mosaic Covenant; Gal. 3:14;    11-15-98
Galatians-28 The New Covenant; Gal. 3:14;    11-22-98
Galatians-29 New Covenant as basis for Grace Blessings to Gentiles; Gal. 3:15-18;    11-30-98
Galatians-30 The Inferiority of the Law; Gal. 3:19-25;    12-06-98
Galatians-31 Adoption, Baptism of the HS, Our Incredible Spiritual Life; Gal. 3:25-29;    12-13-98
Galatians-32 The Baptism With the HS; Gal. 3:27-29;    1-10-99
Galatians-33 Adoption and the Order of Salvation; Gal.4:1-4;    1-17-99
Galatians-34 Sonship and Heirship; Gal.4:5-7;    1-24-99
Galatians-35 Inheritance and Esau; Gal.4:7-11;    1-31-99
Galatians-36 Forming the Character of Christ; Gal.4:12-20;    2-07-99
Galatians-37   Ishmael and Isaac; Gal.4:21-23;    2-14-99
Galatians-38 Slavery or Freedom?; Gal. 4:24-31; 2-21-99
Galatians-39 Doctrine of Spiritual Freedom; Gal. 5:1;    3-07-99
Galatians-40 Freedom from the Sin Nature; Gal. 5:1;    3-14-99
Galatians-41 Spiritual Freedom; Gal. 5:1;    3-21-99
Galatians-42 Falling From Grace; Gal. 5:1-4;    3-28-99
Galatians-43 Eternal Security; Gal. 5:4;    4-04-99
Galatians-44 Lordship Salvation, Et. Sec.; Gal. 5:4 4-12l;    4-11-99
Galatians-45 Power for the Spiritual Life; Gal. 5:5,6;    4-18-99
Galatians-46 Faith, Hope, Love: the Spiritual Life; Gal. 5:5-6;    4-25-99
Galatians-47 Legalism destroys the Spiritual Life; Gal. 5:7-12;    5-02-99
Galatians-48 Freedom, Liberty, Political vs. Spiritual Solution; Gal. 5:13;    5-09-99
Galatians-49   Freedom to Serve God; Gal. 5:13-15;    5-16-99
Galatians-50 Defining Biblical Love; Gal. 5:14;    5-23-99
Galatians-51 Characteristics of Love; Gal. 5:14; Lev. 18:19;    5-30-99
Galatians-52 The Role-Model for Impersonal Love; Gal. 5:14; Lev. 18:19;    6-06-99
Galatians-53 Walking By Means of the Spirit; Gal. 5:16;    6-13-99
Galatians-54 Walking in the Light, Fellowship Gal. 5:16; Eph. 5:8; 1 Jn. 1:9;    6-20-99
Galatians-55 The Doctrine of the Christian's Walk; Gal. 5:16;    6-27-99
Galatians-56  Walking in the Light and the Filling of the Holy Spirit
Galatians 5:16 & 1 John 1:4–9
Galatians-57 The Doctrine of the Flesh; Gal. 5:16b;    7-18-99
Galatians-58 The Enemy Within; Gal. 5:16b;    7-25-99
Galatians-59 Sin Nature Control; Gal. 5:16b;    8-01-99
Galatians-60 The Pathology of Sin; Gal. 5:16b;    8-08-99
Galatians-61 The Sin Nature at Work; Gal. 5:17-19;    8-15-99
Galatians-62 Carnality and Loss of Inheritance; Gal. 5:20-21;    8-22-99
Galatians-63 Inheritance: Rewards and Loss; Gal. 5:21; Luke 19;    8-29-99
Galatians-64 Judgment Seat of Christ; Gal. 5:21; 2 Corinthians 5:10; 1 Corinthians 3;    9-05-99
Galatians-65 Loss of Rewards; Gal. 5:21; 2 Tim. 2:11-13;    9-12-99
Galatians-66 Inheriting the Kingdom; Gal. 5:21;    9-19-99
Galatians-67 Production of the Holy Spirit; Gal. 5:22;    9-26-99
Galatians-68   How the Holy Spirit Produces; Gal. 5:22-24;    10-10-99
Galatians-69 The Unique Spiritual Life; Gal. 5:25;    10-17-99
Galatians-70 The Self-destruction of Arrogance; Gal. 5:26;    10-24-99

Galatians-71 Humility and Restoration; Gal. 6:1-2;    10-24-99
Galatians-72 Restoration and Spiritual Advance; Gal. 6:3-6;    11-07-99
Galatians-73 Doctrine of Tithing: Old Testament Tax; Gal. 6:6;    11-14-99
Galatians-74 Doctrine of Grace Giving; Gal. 6:6;    11-21-99
Galatians-75 Giving, Gratitude and Grace; Gal. 6:6-8;    12-05-99
Galatians-76 Advancing in Grace; Rejecting Legalism; Gal. 6:9-18;    12-12-99

Scripture Index