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Bible Studies on the Basics of Christianity

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Click on a link below for an in-depth Bible study on the subject.

20 Reasons Why Christians Suffer - Ever wondered why Christians suffer?

24 Reasons Why I Give

33 Prophecies Fulfilled in One Day - There's no doubt who the Saviour of the world is

80 Reasons Why I Believe in Creation

103 Reasons Why You Can Believe in Creation - The Biblical perspective on creation

A Survival Kit for Y2K - This is all you need to survive Y2K or any disaster

Adorn the Doctrine  - You have to show it!

All Things Work Together for Good – “They meant it for evil, but God meant it for good, to deliver many souls alive.”

America's Peace With Russia??? - Why are we making peace with Russia? What do they know about peace?

Angels - taken from Genesis 1:2a

Are You Producing Dead Works?

Can You Distinguish Evil From Sin? - Are war and disease evil? Did God create evil? Fourth in a Four Part Series

Capital Punishment in the New Testament - Is Jesus Christ in favor of the death penalty?

Casting Your Cares on Him - Taken from 1 Peter 5:6-8

The Christian Attitude About War - What Should a Christian's Attitude be About War?

A Christian's Responsibility to Business

An Atheist is a Person Who Has No Invisible Means of Support

Balaam's Talking Donkey - Spiritual principles we can learn from a donkey

The Church and the Tribulation - Principles on why the Church will not go through the Tribulation

Claiming the Promises of God

Current Communist Goals - See how far the Communists have infiltrated our churches, government, and institutions.

Deacon Qualification

Divine Guidance - How to know the will of God for your life

Divine Viewpoint and the World's Hunger Program - How Divine Viewpoint solves the world's hunger problems

Do I Worry? - How to overcome worry in your life

Drunks, Drugs, and Deviates - An analysis of homosexuality and drugs based on the Word of God

Eternal Security

Evil is a Thought Pattern - Is it Yours? - Are you sure you know what evil is?

Faith vs. Unbelief

Fellowship With God

The Final Message of the Old Testament - Why was God silent for 400 years?

For the Land of the Free - The Ten Commandments of freedom. The Biblical Magna Carta of human freedom.

From Here to Eternity – Everyone lives forever – But where? Where will you spent eternity? If you ever wanted to know what Heaven is like, here's a comprehensive look.

Gaius, A Prosperous Soul - Principles on Christian prosperity

Get Smart - How to be smart. Three easy steps to intelligence.

A Glutton, a Winebibber, a Friend - Friends of Christ

God's Norms and Standards - KATA

The Great Whore of Ecumenicalism - taken from Revelation 17

Guilty or Innocent? - How do you plea?

Happy New Year ... - Pick your lot!

Have You Met My Priest? - What is your priest like? Get to know your priest - we all have one!

Heal me, Jesus!

The Hebrew Alphabet and the Meaning of the Letters

The Home and the Children - Principles on raising children from the Scriptures

How to be a Doer of the Word and Not a Hearer Only - James 1:20-22

How to be Protected From Evil - A Biblical perspective on what evil is and how to avoid it.

The Homegoing of a Christian - Gussie Holston

Ideals of Womanhood - What God thinks of women

If God Granted You One Wish

If You Were God, Would You Beat Your Son?

Joseph's Christmas - What did Joseph want to do when he found out Mary was pregnant? How do we know that Joseph and Mary had other children?

Know Thyself – What is the Real You?

Life is Not Worth Living - Have circumstances in your life forced you to the point that you feel there is no use in living?

Live and Let Live – ”Judge Not, That You be Not Judged” – What are some of the worst sins? - How to watch out for triple-compound discipline

The Lord's Prayer

The Many Facets of Angels - What are angels like? Angelic voices?

The Many Facets of the Bible - Why should I be interested in the Bible? 

The Mechanics for Claiming the Promises of God

Mental Disarmament/Mental Illness - Mental attitude in the Christian way of life

Mount Up With Wings as Eagles - Study includes idolatry, God's Grace, What About the Heathen?/God Consciousness, as well exchanging your strength for His

My Yoke is Easy - “Come Unto Me All Ye Who Labor”

A Name Which is Above Every Name

Not of Works - A brief study on the Grace of God

A Pastor's Theme - The theme of a pastor. It is better to be faithful than famous

Peace in Pain - A study on the suffering of Christ and the sufferings of believers in time

The Perfect Law of Liberty

A Preview of Our Departure - One: Faith in God, Faith in Christ; Two: Many mansions; Three: The Forerunner; Four: The way; Five: The true vision of God

Principles of Marriage and Divorce

Prophecies That Came True About the Lord Jesus Christ  

Religion vs. Christianity - The Pharisee and the Publican - Do you know the difference between Christianity and Religion?

The Rest of War - “The battle is the Lord's.” Based on Asa's prayer and Jehoshaphat's prayer.

A Salvation Test - Are you Heaven bound?

The Sand is Weighty - The weight of sand

The Secret to Success - “Though I give all my goods to feed the poor ... ”

Smitten in Vain - Earthquakes in California: A force, or a failure, or a faith?

Spiritual Adjustments to Life - Got a problem? Here's how to handle it from the Divine Viewpoint

The Spiritual Side of Warfare - “Sweet and beautiful to die for their native country.”

A Survival Kit for a Nuclear Disaster  - Great principles for life in general

The Third Man Theme - The Third Person of the Trinity - An in-dept study on the ministry of the Holy Spirit and biblical spirituality

Theodore Roosevelt - The Importance of the Family and the Responsibility of the Man and the Woman in the United States

Thou Shalt Not Murder - What are the worst sins?

The Tillage of the Poor: The Responsibility of Small Gifts - Taken from Proverbs 13:23

Trouble - Hello Trouble!

The True Philosophy of Love

A Visitor From Outer Space - How far away is Heaven?

Washed White, Not White-Washed - Jewish evangelism in the Tribulation

The Way of the Lord - Which side are you on?

What Believers Need - Feeling blue? Check out this brief study that will chase the blues away.

What Does Evil Do? - It rationalizes, it assassinates, it is self-destructive ... - Third in a Four Part Series

What Does God Say About Capital Punishment (and Rainbows) - Taken from Genesis 9

What I Think of Me and What God Thinks of Me - Taken from Proverbs 16:2

What is a Heathen?

What is Jesus Christ Doing Now?

What is Negative Volition? - Are you negative to the Word of God? Eight easy ways to find out.

What is Pseudo-Spirituality? - A great look to see if the activities you're involved in really are making you spiritual and “counting for God.”

What is the Real Issue? What Must I Do to be Saved? What is Human Good?

What is True Biblical Spirituality - Taken from Ephesians 5, Acts 17)

What Time is it? - Creation, God's plan for the ages, Dispensations

When Will the Nuclear Disaster Happen? - Will you be able to see it? How can you prepare for it? Also covers Satan's strategy, dispensations, creation, the Flood, civilizations, the ultimate Source of destruction, resurrection bodies, judgment, angelic conflict, application of the Word of God to your experience, claiming Promises, why God destroys the universe and human good, how to be shockproof, plus other topics, too.

Where Does Evil Come From? - Sincere do-gooders practice evil. What's your price? First in a Four Part Series

Whosoever - Taken from Acts 2:20, 21

Why are There Disasters? - Why does God allow disasters to happen?

Why Believers Suffer

Why do Christians Sin?

Why Psychology Has Failed – You Are Complete in Him

Will This be the Day of Your Salvation?

The Word in the World - The benefits of the Word of God in our world today

The Worthy Walk - An outline of Ephesians chapter 4, discussing the worthy walk of the Christian.

You Never Walk Alone

“Your Father - The Devil” - Insanity in Heaven. The first sin in the universe. Who holds the record for sin? The greatest lie ever told.

Your “Old Man” - How to cure crime, drug addiction, wars, terrorism, murder, rape

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